ICOS/DK Stations

Atmosphere stations

Station nord

Measurement site Station Nord, North East Greenland, is located at
°6' N, 16°40' W, 25 m ASL.

Tubing to sample air at 4 heights is installed at an 80 meter mast
with inlet in 3.6 m, 20, m, 40 m and 60 m. A PICARRO G2301 is
used to measure CO2, CH4 and H2O. Fluxes of CO2 and CH4
(PICARRO) in 60 meter.

Ecosystems stations


  • Mature beech forest
  • Flux measurements since 1996
  • 57/45m tower
  • Mains power, internet
  • ICOS demonstration site


  • Skjern River catchment Western Jutland, DK
  • Land-use: conventional agriculture
  • Flat terrain (outwash plain) sandy soil
  • Mean annual temp. 8.5°C Precip. 900-1000 mm, Ea 450-500 mm

  • Momentum + fluxes of heat, CO2 and campaign wise N2O
  • Background meteorology (radiation, air + soil temp. humidity)
  • Extended hydrological program including TDR probes,
    large lysimeters, and several rain gauges
  • Internet and line power

Zackenberg Fen

  • High Arctic wetland (fen)
  • On-going monitoring activities funded by Danish
    Energy Agency
  • Greenhouse gas flux measurements since late 1990s,
    continuous since 2007

27 JULY 2024